Cumberland Place, Southampton

Bennett were the Main Contractor (Design & Build) for the development of a Student Accommodation Scheme on a brown field site at Cumberland Place, Southampton.
The development had a total area of 6,536m2 and comprised 206 student bed spaces together with student recreational facilities, student gym, ancillary accommodation and all associated site works. The ground floor area housed the management suite, student recreational areas (juice bar/gym) and back of house/plant facilities. The Student Accommodation comprising a mixture of self-contained single occupancy and shared facility 3-person cluster units was arranged over Levels 1-9 & 11 while student study and entertainment facilities were located on Level 10.
The development site was extremely restricted in terms of access and required careful logistical planning and execution. As a consequence, offsite manufacturing and Modern Methods of Construction were employed which included the use of Bathroom PODs, Bamtec reinforcement and precast concrete elements.
The facade comprised a mixture of windows, curtain walling, brick slip and ACM cladding. All facade systems employed on the project were subjected to close scrutiny and were supported by relevant test data.